The following text is the paragraph associated with the Quarks visual on the poster:

predicted 1961 (Gell-Mann, Ne'eman) confirmed 1964 - 1998

  • fundamental particles which, with gluons, make up the nuclear material
  • mass = ranges from 5 MeV to 174,000 MeV (up = 5, down = 7 MeV, top
  • quark = 174.3 GeV) (MeV = mega-electronvolts, GeV = giga-electronvolts)
  • diameter = less than 10-15 mm (less than 1/1000 of proton's diameter)
  • electromagnetic charge: up = +²/3, down = -¹/3
  • up and down types are common in normal atoms, the other four types
    (top, bottom, charmed, strange) can only be produced at high energies
    and remain in existence for short times
  • come in 3 "colors" - red, blue, green (a metaphor to explain interactions)
  • all 3 colors together become "color neutral" (proton, neutron)
  • anti-quarks come in 3 "colors" - anti-red, anti-blue, anti-green
  • color + anti-color are also "color neutral" (meson)
  • all observed particles do not exhibit color; they are color neutral
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